"A word after a word after a word is power." Margaret Atwood
A Writing Tool
Writers read for inspiration, to learn, and because they love reading. Goodreads is a great tool for tracking your own reading and learning what friends and authors are reading. You can also use it to find comps for books you write (use the "Browse” feature and search by genre). Connect with me on Goodreads.
Craft Tip
When I start thinking about a new project, it helps me to break it into three parts:
The Book - who is the audience, where is it shelved in a bookstore/library, why do I want to write this book, what it the meaning or point of the book etc..
The Story - what happens, i.e. the plot
The Characters - who are they and how does the story change them, i.e. character arc
There's a Story Here: Middle Fork of the Salmon River, Idaho, 2016

Next Step Book Coach - If you're ready to start your novel, are stuck in the middle, or have finished and need to know what to do next - we can help.